Polish company is obligated to prepare, approve, and submit its financial statement for the previous fiscal year to the National Court Register (KRS). The deadline for fulfilling this obligation is July 15. The article presents key information regarding annual fiscal obligation of company in Poland.
Most Polish companies decide to use calendar year as their fiscal year. Information about end of first fiscal year may be found in excerpt from Commercial Register in section 3, rubric 5:Timeframes for preparing, signing, approving, and submitting financial statement in 2024 are as follows:
Preparation of financial statement (financial document) – March 31
Approving the financial statement by the Shareholders’ Meeting – June 30
Submitting the financial statement to National Court Register – 15 days from the approval of the financial statement – no later than July 15.
Composition of financial statement
It should be noted that by obligation to submit financial statement for Polish company, it actually involves preparation of several documents and undertake multiple actions.
Generally speaking, annual financial statement duty includes:
1. Preparation of financial statement (fiscal document) in special electronic form (XML) and signing it by all members of the Management Board;
2. Preparation of Management Board Annual Report in any type of electronic form (for example, PDF) and signing it by all members of the Management Board;
3. Preparation of minutes from General Shareholder’ Meeting (in that case it is accepted scanned copy without electronic signature), consists of:
a) Resolution of the Shareholder’ Meeting on approval Financial Statement and Management Board Annual Report
b) Resolution of the Shareholder’ Meeting on the distribution of profit or the coverage of loss (Shareholder Meeting);
4. Submitting all above mentioned documents to National Court Register online via online system before July, 15.
Technical requirements
First of all, it must be emphasized financial statement of Polish company can be submitted only in a electronic form. It is not possible to fulfill this obligation in any other way than by using Notional Court Register system – https://prs.ms.gov.pl/krs
Secondly, some of documents under annual financial statement obligation have to be signed only via electronic signature – Polish Trusted Profile or qualified electronic signature. It is required to sign via electronic signature:
- Financial statement (fiscal document in xml format);
- Management Board annual report.
Therefore, without Polish Trusted Profile or qualified electronic signature, the Management Board of Polish company is not able to complete the annual obligation.
At the end, financial statement and accompanying documents can only be submitted via the EKRS system. This part, may be performed by licensed attorney-at-law.