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Law Firm in Poland on Web Summit 2019

Law Firm in Poland on Web Summit 2019 - Let's meet!

As representative of Law Firm in Poland I have just landed on Web Summit 2019. After Opening Ceremony event I am sure that it will be at least as good as last year. What is really important from my point of view, Web Summit is best chance to share thoughts about legal barriers of entry for entrepreneur with innovative business.

Polish legal, tax and economical environmental is becoming more and more friendly for foreign investment. Poland is natural choice for establishing business activity in Central and Eastern Europe because of relatively cheap real estates, labor and very stable economic situation. Regarding possible legal barriers – leave them to us. 

Why we should meet?

If you are planning to set up your innovative business in Poland, invest in Poland or enter with your product on Polish market it is very good opportunity to meet in person and clear your legal doubts.

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